Colera / Municipality
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Adre.:     Ajuntament
c/Labrun, 22
17469 Colera
Tel.:   34-972 389 050
Fax.:   34- 972 389 283


The town retains its seafaring charm and has a marina and various residential areas. Cala Rovellada or the Sant Miquel housing development are two of these areas which over the last few decades have attracted those seeking peace and quiet rather than mass tourism.


Located at one of the ends of the mountain which surrounds Colera, above Goixa beach and close to the railway station, is the Art-Parc which has brought a touch of colour and personality to the town since the beginnings of the 90’s.

Sant Miquel de Colera was founded in the Medieval period, in the year 935, under the protection of the Benedictine monastery of Sant Quirze. It is a town steeped in history and two of its historical attractions are the area of Molinars – today deserted – and the canons of the War of Independence, situated at Puig d’Esquer Headland.


Although its orographical profile is quite complex, the coast forms two deep bays, separated by the "Punta de Canons" ("Canons Point"); Colera port and Cap Ras Bay, where Garbet cove and beach are located.



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